Saturday 4 February 2017

The challenges and strength of communication(REVISED)

Honestly to me, communication is essential only when I have something important to discuss. An example will be a discussion within a group regarding projects that requires teamwork such as assembling of major components in an assembly of a tank which includes electronic circuits and mechanical components. Other than that, I prefer to be quiet and have some time alone or go to a mosque and meditate. I find it more peaceful and relaxing.

As for challenges, it is hard to communicate when I am trying to speak to my superior or lecturers. I feel that my confidence is lacking when I try to communicate with these people and I tend to stutter when I share my thoughts or opinions. I find it annoying and hard to prevent. Another problem I face in communicating is when I try to convey an idea in a project discussion in English language. I tend to share what is in my mind accidentally in Malay language and my friends who understand it will translate it to English so that my non-Malay friends will understand what I am trying to say.

Even though I have difficulty in speaking English language, I do believe that my strength of communication comes in when I speak out my mind in a language that I am comfortable with. Ideas tend to flow out easily and smoother and I find it satisfying to be able to convey the message that I want to. I also find it easier to communicate if the topic discussion is about something that I love doing such as gaming. These are the time when I feel that communicating is fun.

At the end of this course, my objective is to be able to communicate fluently with my superiors and lecturers and share my thoughts with them correctly. Another objective that I want to achieve from this course is to be able to convey my ideas in English language more confidently with my colleague and share it straight without the help of my friends in translating them. To achieve these 2 goals, I believe I just have to practice speaking English more with my friends and superiors and have fun along the process of learning.



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